Therapy Specialties

Childhood Trauma

Traumatic experiences that occur during childhood leave a lasting impact that causes some to try and push away, avoid, or escape. However, what if I told you that trauma follows you and still shows up in your life in the form of false alarms along with increased symptoms of anxiety and depression. While trauma is often not anything you invite, most people have or will experienced some form of trauma in their life. Together, we will navigate the healing journey and you will learn helpful ways to manage your trauma.


Relationships are hard. It can be complicated at times navigating friendships, romantic relationships and familial relationships. Finding the balance in nurturing relationships, resolving conflict and establishing boundaries can strengthen your ability to form long-lasting, healthy relationships. And while many people come to therapy to save or improve their relationships, therapy can also be helpful in dissolving a relationship/marriage. Therapy supports couples in exploring, recognizing, and resolving conflicts in a safe space.

Life Transitions

Whether you are in the midst of starting something new, ending something, or losing something familiar, change is inevitable. At some point you have or will experience things such as moving to a new place, leaving a relationship, or even switching careers. While this is not uncommon, sometimes it leaves you lost and questioning yourself. Taking the lead in transitions in way that allows you to find your groove and feel connected to your life again can make any transition rewarding.

Black Men & Women

Approximately 7 million Black/African American people struggle with mental illness and more than 50% of those individuals go untreated for many reasons. Additionally, less than 4% of mental health providers are Black which furthers treatment disparity. While there are historical factors for the lack of treatment, forming a trusting relationship with someone who you connect with enhances not only your experience, but it also helps you achieve improved sustainable outcomes.

Young Professionals

It can be both exciting and overwhelming to navigating life as a young professional. If you find yourself feeling lost or unsure about where your life is or what's next, I can assure you that you are not alone. You don't have to be stuck or settle with an unfulfilling life. Connect with who you are and establish a lifestyle that is meaningful.

Stress Management

Stress is a core part of the human experience. However, when you find yourself struggling to function personally, socially, or professionally, you may find yourself feeling depleted or hypervigilant and stress can be debilitating. Become equipped with self-awareness and coping techniques that allow you to overcome stressors and thrive.

“It was when I realized I needed to stop trying to be somebody else and be myself, I actually started to own, accept, and love what I had”
—Tracee Ellis Ross

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